Monday, August 20, 2012

Sad News

Erin heard from her doctor today that the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes.  She will go in tomorrow for a bone scan and will have a CT later to determine to what extent it has spread.  Please continue to pray for her and send her your positive thoughts.

If you would like to send cards, her address is 3118 W Grace Ave, Spokane WA 99205.  Her parents, Claire Bistline and David Broughton, have been there throughout this and would probably love your positive thoughts and prayers, too.  Her boys, Gavin (11) and Landon (5) are sweet guys who are into legos and getting ready to start a new school year.  Keep them in your thoughts, too.

Please consider donating to her benefit fund at Spokane Teachers Credit Union.  The account is entitled, "Erin Broughton Hughes Benefit Fund."

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